01.01.12: Running Mozilla Nightly (Firefox development versions) from your user directory on opneSuSE Linux
04.09.06: LogMeIn and FireFox I used to be able to Remotly control systems from my SuSe Linux Thinkpad in the garage, but in the last two or three months have been unable to. Well I got sick of that so, Here is a rough Draft of how I did it
09.27.05 Great News: Opera 8.5 (Linux) does not have banner ads in free download Linux version. And it now finds and uses the Mozill plug-in of MPlayer and streams WMA files nicely. So sorry for you Microsucks users!
11.25.05: Novell, SuSe 10. SuSe now allows more than one Media device to access and use the video dispay and more importantly the Audio device!! Yeh! Why is this important? Well, if you are listening to Rush Limbaugh's 24/7 dido stream and want to check out a song during the break, without stopping the stream, well now you can! p.s., You can't believe how fast this is now! ...WOW! Windows users would get whiplash just from touching this Linux box (mind you I'm talking about a Thinkpad)!
11.28.05: I've found that it's only if they are different formats. i.e., Microsucks and mp3 or ram. They can't be Micorsucks and MS anything.
Everything about SuSe 10 is either better or great! Well, maybe one (1) exception, I liked the SuSe green Grub boot screen much better than the Microsucks blue they've gone back to. Any ways, the best thing is that when using MPlayer in Mozilla, I don't loose the video of Rush when focus is taken off of the player. Thanks Novell!
Nov. 26, 2005 Looking for a Linux subsitution for ACDSee? Well here it is: GQview If you are using Novell SuSe, which you should be, here is a resource you have to have. Pascal Bleser has done us (Me) a great service by compiling RPM's for SuSe at a great price! Free.
Nov. 28, 2005 Sick of trying to update your Firefox via the tarball and the lack of installation instructions at Mozilla.org? Then you need the FireFox RPM's for SuSe that can be found here
A history of Linux in Linus Torvalds own words: Read More...
Despite what you've heard, Bill Gates Did Not write, "invent", develop or in any other term, create DOS! He stoled "bought" it, what ever! Read More...-->
Linux has grown over the years and I doubt there is anyway to stop it now!
The Linux Documentation Project
Links to all the Linux stuff I've found on the web: Go to my Computer Links
My own Linux tips:
I wrote this document in the mid-1990's, during the build of my first Linux box which was to become my router on my first ISDN line. So, the first half is fairly dated information based on one of the first RedHat or Slackware distributions, but the second half has timeless info like Console Commands etc..
Mapping the Extra keys on your Multi-Media Keyboard
You want to use the extra keys on your new multi-media keyboard, but you do not know how. These keys do not have any effect out-of the box?
Check this HowTo out
MPlayer: Microsucks "MediaPlayer" for Linux
Of course Microsucks does not have a player or any plug-in for Linux
Instructions for adding or installing MPlayer on your SuSE Linux system
Installing MPlayer on your SuSE Linux system could not be any easier than this. I unfortunately spen a lot of time trying to get it (MPlayer) working the way I wanted prior to finding this information.
So, here it is... First open this link: SuSE: MPlayer
Change the /9.1/ Version number to what ever version of SuSE you are using: I've successfully done this for Pro, 9.0, 9.2, 9.3 and now 10 without a problem.
Now that you've done that, you should have a working MPlayer, but if you are like me you don't want the MPlayer Plug-ing opening RealPlayer streams, but would like a "stand alone" player handle it.
Well, the only way I've found to do this (never mind anything else you can find on the net,,, I"ve tried them all and they Do Not Work!
Navigate to /usr/lib/browers-plugins/ and either re-name (which is what I did, simply add .not to the end of the file) or delete the Real shared plugins (*-.rm.so) and, well that's it. Works!
Andy Tai at ATai.org has been putting together Software War battlefield maps for several years now. They are pretty good. You should check them out.